Monday, March 11, 2013

Book Week Blogger Challenge

As our school is celebrating book week we decided to have a book related blogger challenge:

 If you could magically jump into a book for a day...

Check out our kidblog comments here: 

What would you do?


  1. To Talking in the Cloud
    Did you know that we bring our lunch to school.
    From Zoe
    Room 7
    Vardon School

  2. To Talking in the Cloud

    If I jumped in a book for a day I would a zookeeper and I would look after the animals what book would you jump in.
    I would jump in a zookeeper book because I love baby animals.
    What would you be if you were in a book?

    From Adelei
    Vardon School

  3. To Talking in the Cloud

    If I could jump in a book for a day I would play golf and bring my frinds with me in the book. What would you do if you were a book?

    From Makayla
    Vardon School

  4. To Talking in the Cloud

    First I would jump in a SHARK book(I love SHARKS)Then I would swim under nethe it so that it want bit me. But if I swam on top it would bite me. Next I would meet it's mother and father then we would become best friends (P.S the shark is a whale shark) If you hopped into a shark book what would you do?

    From Leah
    room 7
    Vardon School
